Breakout Session #1
Greater Freedom: Exploring and Experiencing the Grace and Forgiveness of Jesus
ROOM 221
God has given them. Before we can do the hard and necessary external work to make our city great, we must first receive the deep, personal, and internal freedom that only Jesus can give us. In this session, go on an incredible journey with pastor and author Zach Zehnder to discover how great the grace and forgiveness of Jesus is and how that alone can truly bring freedom.
Working Together Around the Things that Matter to God’s Heart
ROOM 228
The powerful combination of marketplace and ministry leaders begins with a shared passion for igniting our city with Christ-centered leadership. Be a part of the discussion to expand Christ's footprint in Greater Omaha: greater marketplace and ministry unity, stronger relationships with Christ and one another, impact in the marketplace, and mobilizing marketplace leaders into the city's needs.
The Omaha Metro with Barna: A Glimpse into the State of the City
ROOM 262
We believe that to love our city, we must know our city. To know our city, we must listen to our city. We launched the State of the City Project in April of 2022, and after months of conducting research, listening to neighbors, interviewing faith leaders, and partnering with Barna, God is revealing to us more of the heart, struggles, and desires of those who call the Metro home. Join us today for an early glimpse into Barna data and discoveries.
Multiplying God’s Heart for the ONE
SCOTT BECKENHAUER, Calvary Christian Church
ROOM 224
Let’s learn from one another how we can multiply God’s heart for the ONE by mobilizing our church family to make a difference.
What is Alpha? Creating Spaces for Honest Conversations about Life’s Big Questions
ROOM 232
Alpha is accurately described as a movement of the Holy Spirit. This training and equipping program is changing lives around the globe! Join us to learn more and to inquire about starting Alpha at your organization.
Breakout Session #2
Biggest Church Digital Media Mistakes
ROOM 232
In a post-covid world, church and business leaders alike know that a poor digital media/marketing strategy is mission self-destruction. What are the biggest mistakes that we need to avoid in order to meaningfully grow our organizations? We’ll talk about what they are, how to avoid them, and how to create a simple, digital marketing strategy that’s designed for success.
The 360 Gospel
ROOM 220
Believing, understanding, and applying the Gospel changes everything. Join us as we explore the secret to activating your church, reaching the unchurched, and making disciples who live on mission.
Reach One More: How Everyday Conversations Become Opportunities to Share Jesus’ Story
Allison Dykhouse and Mary Claire Johnson, Christ Community Church
Room 228
The word ‘Evangelism’ has many negative ideas and emotions attached to it, but what if your everyday conversations could become the Good News? Join us for an abbreviated training session to open our understanding of how our everyday conversations can open the door to the Gospel being shared at work, with your family and in your neighborhood. This training session will set you up to personally share the gospel and take resources back to your church to share with others.
A Christ-Centered Vision for Mental Health
Mark Montanye, City Care Counseling
Room 262
Depression and anxiety are an epidemic we can no longer ignore, especially as Christians. How would Jesus respond and what would he want us to do to come alongside those struggling? We’re diving into all things mental and emotional health in attempting to approach these issues from a Christ-Centered perspective.
Evangelism in a Post-Christian World
Bob Thune, Coram Deo Church
Room 221
The world we’re living in isn’t like the world of our parents and grandparents. What changed? And what must we do to effectively communicate the gospel in this new post-Christian context? These are the questions we'll explore together in this breakout.
The State of the Youth in Omaha: How to See and Pursue God’s Vision for This Generation
Taylor Foster, Lifegate Church, Brad Mock, Christ Community Church, and Jason Currie, Youth for Christ
Room 224
This breakout session will examine specific youth data receive from the state of the city project and compare it with national data we have on Gen Z to show the current context of youth ministry. Then it will offer specific strategies for reaching the youth in Omaha in 2023. What does this generation really need? What is working? What is not? How are we planning on collaborating to advance the Kingdom in the younger generation together this year in Omaha?