Summer Leadership Series Part #2: Neighborhood

Almost everyone I know wants to be a better leader at home, work, and in their community, but not everyone knows how or where to begin! 

That's why Within Reach is hosting a Summer Leadership Series, a lineup of interactive conversations with leaders from around the world who want to help us lead better as we work together to reach our city for Jesus. 

Our first conversation with Hugh Halter was SO rich and insightful, as Hugh called us to restore the Jesus-like qualities of kindness, hospitality, and generosity to a culture that is increasingly marked by angst, isolation, greed, and division. If you missed our conversation with Hugh, you can listen HERE

In just one week, on Thursday July 9, we will be joined by Dave Runyon, author of The Art of Neighboring

I can't wait, because I can't think of a better time than right now, with all of the disruption we've experienced so far this year, for us to learn how to lead better in the neighborhoods and communities in which we live, work, and play! 

Dave Runyon helps faith, business, and government leaders unite around common causes in the Denver metro area. He serves as the Executive Director of CityUnite and is a consultant for businesses who have a desire to give back in their communities.

Our conversation with Dave will be perfect for this of us who:

  • Have neighbors, and want to learn to love them! 

  • Desire to live out the generosity and hospitality of Jesus in our neighborhoods

  • As church leaders, want to equip people to live purposefully in their neighborhoods 

  • As marketplace leaders, want to see and serve our colleagues or clients in the spirit of Jesus

  • Long to join others in reaching our city with the good news of Jesus

We hope you and your team can join us on July 9 from 12-1pm! 

Here's the link to register.

Finally, here are the dates & times for the next two conversations in our Summer Leadership Series. 

  • Michael Frost: Missional Leader and Author of Surprise the World, To Alter Your World, and Re:Jesus); July 30 @ 8pm. (Michael will be joining us all the way from Sydney, Australia!) REGISTER

  • Dave Ferguson: Founding pastor of Chicago’s Community Christian Church, a missional multi-site community, and president of the Exponential Conference; August 20 @ 2pm. REGISTER. 

Within Reach, we thank God for you and your partnership in the city! Together, we are working to see every man, woman and young person have the opportunity to say YES to Jesus so that the Metro may be filled with the presence of Jesus. 

If we can encourage or assist you in any way, please reach out to us. 


Jed Mullenix
CEO // Within Reach

Jed Mullenix