City Influencers, Part 1: Simple Gifts, Extraordinary Impact

This year, we will be including a series of stories shared by leaders and influencers around the Metro who are committed to seeing our city filled with the presence of Jesus. This week's story of simple generosity and extraordinary impact was shared by David Witkop, Lead Pastor of Thanksgiving Church in Bellevue.

Nervousness was in the air last fall! Would students attend school in the classroom or gather virtually again? Teachers, students, parents and the whole community were experiencing a palpable angst. So many concerns, so few answers. Everyone was doing their part to prepare, but what about our church?

What could we do to let the community know we were supportive and in this together with them?

As the summer waned and teachers returned to their classrooms, the anxiety level grew. School educators and support staff contemplated questions like, “Should I retire early?” “What about my pre-existing health condition?” “How am I going to do this?” “Can’t we just push back the opening of schools until we get a better handle on the virus?” Recognizing the burden many were carrying, our leadership team was directed in prayer to Jeremiah 29.

In response to God’s people pleading to return to normalcy from exile in Babylon, Jeremiah delivered the Lord’s message.

“Seek the peace and prosperity of the city to which I have carried you into exile. Pray to the Lord for it, because if it prospers, you too will prosper.” Jeremiah 29:7

Our team discerned that this was not only a powerful directive from God for his people, but also for those of us mired in a pandemic. As we asked the Lord what He was calling us to do in our time of fear and anxiety, the word that came was “coffee.” Really? Think about it. Few things say, "I have your back" like buying a cup of coffee for someone and telling them how much they matter.

As our discussion turned toward how we could purchase a cup of coffee for every school employee, letting them know how valuable they are to God and to us, we sensed God saying, JUST DO IT! Ask ME to provide the resources and execute MY plan.

We began to ask questions such as: “Should we buy coffee only for the teachers?” “What about the administrators?” The bus drivers? Cafeteria workers? Paraprofessionals? Custodians?

The resounding answer was YES! Each of these dedicated professionals are on the front lines, consistently caring for our children. They deserve to know they are valued and supported as they ventured into unchartered territory.

We soon discovered that there were 1,588 employees in our school district. Now, that’s a lot of coffee! Approximately $8,000 to be exact. We went to a local Scooters with our plan, whose general manager expressed an eagerness to partner with us, offering a 10% discount on the gift cards.

In the days ahead, God provided through our church family in amazing ways. As we strategized how to deliver the cards, our desire was to let each recipient know that they were loved by God, but in a way that would gently draw them closer to the Gospel. So, we printed note cards with the promise from Hebrews 11:6, “We have this hope as an anchor for the soul, firm and secure.” We also included a small anchor key chain in the card.

Excitement was building as the project grew. This was truly an intergenerational project. Seniors to families with small children worked together to fulfill the vision. On the day before school began, each volunteer group delivered a stack of envelopes with gift cards in each one, each card prayed over with the love of Christ. It was an exhilarating week for our church family.

When the first day of school arrived, my wife, Lisa, and I arrived at the school with our kids and were escorted through a drop off zone managed by a bevy of teachers and administrators. Everything was well organized; every detail thoughtfully considered. Our children were greeted not with hugs and high-fives, but with masked smiles and eyes full of joy and expectation. Many of the staff recognized our connection to the gift of coffee from our church and extended words of gratitude. If they were experiencing any fear or concern, we couldn’t see it in their behavior or expression.

One teacher's words in particular stood out when she said, “It is so wonderful to be part of a community that comes together, especially in troubling times. It has made all the difference knowing that we are not alone and that we have your church’s support and even your prayers.”

Over the days and weeks to come, we received countless comments and notes of gratitude: “Thank you for your support.” “You will never know how much it meant to receive your expression of support.” “It’s really thoughtful when others in our community understand the challenges we teachers will face this school year.”

Perhaps the most impactful response we received was from one of the teachers who is part of the Thanksgiving family. I ran into him in the locker room of my workout facility. He pulled me aside and said how grateful he was to be part of the church. He said that over the last months he had been asked about his church several times. One of his colleagues said to him, “your church really has a heart for people, that they would think about us and be so generous with their resources.”

I share this story not to draw attention toward us, but to encourage each of us to continue loving our city. Together, we know that Jesus is the hope of the world. What a privilege it is that he invites us to carry out his mission of reconciling the world to himself and to one another. I am always encouraged to hear about the great things that God is doing around the Metro as we carry out Jesus' mission together. Jeremiah’s words are as true today as they were during the exile. God’s plans are still good for us and for our community. Our city is truly “Within Reach," and it is a great privilege to serve alongside you!

David Witkop